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Student Leadership at AIS
At American International School, student leadership is a student in the position to influence, motivate, and guide others toward the achievement of a goal. The student must be in an elected or appointed position of leadership and service for a minimum of one academic year.
The aim of these clubs is to develop young leaders in our schools who are committed to making a difference in their own lives and to the lives of others.
Student leadership lies at the heart of improving our schools and enabling young people to realize their potential. It builds the necessary skills, confidence, and motivation for young people to engage directly in the wider improvement of the school and particularly in the improvement of the learning experience.
It enables students to become advocates for their own needs and the needs of others. It lies at the heart of building a sense of community and trust in the school and building effective relationships. An investment in student leadership is a direct investment in tomorrow’s leaders of our schools and of our communities.
Leadership Activity Process
Students participating in student leadership should follow the steps below:
At the start of each academic year, the Career Counsellor/Head of Activities will review the objectives and goals for being a part of any club.
Students are required to submit a formal proposal as part of their application. This can include a description of the group's goals, events they plan to hold, where and when meetings will take place, and who can get involved. Before they apply to become an official school club, they should discuss these questions thoroughly with their group so you can provide professional, detailed responses.
For every club, 2 Presidents and Vice Presidents will be selected (one each from the girl’s and boy’s sections). Only seniors are eligible to be Presidents and Vice Presidents.
Interviews will be conducted for the Presidents and Vice Presidents by the Head of Activities and the School Management as well. Students who have held official positions the previous year are eligible for the presidential position owing to their experience with organizing and coordinating school activities and events.
Students who have been officers the previous year will be given priority for the role of Vice President, However, active members are eligible to apply as well.
High School students can apply for other positions such as Secretary, Public Relations Officer, or Treasurer. The selection will be based on interviews with the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the Clubs.
Selection interviews will be conducted to select the best members for each club.
What Student Leaders Develop:
• time management skills
• handle and delegate responsibilities
• team working skills
• listening and communication skills
• Enquiry and problem-solving skills
• Emotional intelligence and reflection of one’s leadership skills
Student Council Overview
The Student Council offers a structure for student representatives to become involved in the affairs of the school and give them an opportunity to work in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students.
The Student Council is active throughout the entire year and involves a spectrum of co-curricular and extra- curricular activities. The Student Council members are the voice of the student community and share their ideas, interests, and concerns with teachers and school leadership. Members also plan different school activities such as social events, community projects, community outreach, and school development projects.
Job Description for Student Council Team
Each member of the Student Council has a particular role and function to perform. However, there is plenty of scope for creativity and innovation.
Obligations and responsibilities of officers, members, and committees are written and reviewed annually. Obligations of office are listed along with purposes, opportunities, and the channels of the procedure.
Official duties, a delegation of work, objectives, and communication procedures are drawn up. Available resources and equipment for achieving the Council’s goals are also considered.
Officers and members are kept informed on all matters relating to the Council, its committees, its leadership, and the progress made in reaching objectives.
Student Council President
Represent the student body at school events and official meetings.
Responsible for coordinating the interviewing, selection, and functioning of committee chairpersons and task forces.
Supervise the functioning of the elected student body officers.
Develop the agenda for and preside over the meetings of the Student Council.
Student Council Vice-President
Represent the student body requested by the President at school events and meetings.
Coordinate the work of committees.
Preside over Student Council meetings in the absence of the President.
Student Council Secretary
Maintain the student body files.
Prepare agendas for meetings.
Take and distribute minutes of meetings.
Type material for student body officers and committee chairpersons as needed.
Student Media Officer
Draft, edit, and share council news and stories to the school paper and social media.
Organize publicity for Student Council meetings and events.
The Council Member
Communicate ideas from the student body to the Council.
Keep class updated on the Council’s work.
Serve on or chair committees.
Volunteer as needed.
Steps to Plan an Event
1. Outline clear event objectives
2. Create a written contingency plan about the event that includes the date, time, venue, participants, volunteers, and a number of attendees.
3. Fill in a request form and get approval from the school management 10 days prior to the event.
4. Upon receiving approval, start working on the agreed plan.
5. Create a poster for the event.
6. Complete a final checklist.